Posts Tagged ‘thunderstorm’

Some of my favorite Boston aviation moments of 2013, in photos.

As a professional photographer, a Winthrop resident, and a self proclaimed aviation fanatic, I have enjoyed bearing witness to some fun moments in and around Logan airport. here are some of my photos from 2013.

June 24, 2013. A distant lightning bolt strikes well behind a departing Logan airliner.

June 24, 2013. A distant lightning bolt strikes well behind a departing Logan airliner.

December 19, 2013. A cold moon greets an incoming airliner as seen from Winthrop.

December 19, 2013.
A cold moon greets an incoming airliner as seen from Winthrop.

October 19, 2013 Boston's Custom House frames a departing jet.

October 19, 2013
Boston’s Custom House frames a departing jet.

November 13, 2013 Window washers, working on Northern avenue, are framed by a jet departing Logan airport.

November 13, 2013
Window washers, working on Northern avenue, are framed by a jet departing Logan airport.

September 18, 2013 A transatlantic flight exits the US east coast over Winthrop,MA.

September 18, 2013
A transatlantic flight exits the US east coast over Winthrop,MA.

May 9, 2013 An American Airlines jet arrives at Boston's Logan airport.

May 9, 2013
An American Airlines jet arrives at Boston’s Logan airport.

July 7, 2013 An Are Lingus Airbus-330 land at Boston's Logan airport.

July 7, 2013
An Aer Lingus Airbus-330 land at Boston’s Logan airport.

May 6, 2013 Fog and the sun "shadow" a departing airliner, as seen from Winthrop,MA

May 6, 2013
Fog and the sun “shadow” a departing airliner, as seen from Winthrop,MA

July 29, 2013 A thunderstorm approaches Boston's Logan airport.

July 29, 2013
A thunderstorm approaches Boston’s Logan airport.







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