Here are the very earliest moments of this morning’s big fire at Albanian Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist, as seen from the rear of the building. Not much to say here. I will let my photos do the talking. Check out the Boston Herald for a photo gallery and movie from staffers Jim Mahoney, John Wilcox, and me.
Posts Tagged ‘South Boston’
Here is the only photo that I was able to pull out from this morning’s violent lightning storm. I ran to the Herald roof after leaving the photo desk, as I was a fill-in assignment editor today. The storm seemed to be a safe distance away so that I would not be in any danger up there. All of a sudden the lightning that had been in front of me and over the Prudential Center was now in back and over me. I waited for the heavy rain to stop and got the tail end of the storm exiting the coastline over Southie.
Dog Drives Truck! On This Date in My Photo History: May 6, 2009
by markadmin Posted: Thursday, 5/6/2010(05/06/09-Boston, MA) Dog drives truck? No, just a dog waiting for it’s owner as the man makes a delivery on Northern Avenue in South Boston.