Posts Tagged ‘rescue’

              It was 11 years ago today that Christine Desrochers-Broderick, clinging to the roof of her submerged car, was rescued by off-duty Somerville firefighter Michael Marino in the Assembly Square underpass at Mystic Ave. It was not long after that all three of us were contacted by The Weather Channel, to “star” in their (then) new show, Twist of Fate. Here is my blog dispatch from that day.
              I came upon this dramatic scene after completing news coverage of a long, hot, then very rainy immigration rally in Boston. The police scanner was crackling something about a person or persons stuck under the Assembly Square underpass at Mystic Ave. I drove to an area near the courthouse where I saw troopers feverishly trying to enter the water and gain access to the serious situation that was unfolding. I noticed a young couple sitting on the curb and I turned to see that their car’s roof, about an inch of it, was still visible. Within a few minutes the tunnel was almost 80% filled with water maybe 10 feet high. I had to kneel down to see what was unfolding about 70 yards into the tunnel. There I could see a woman atop of what appeared to be her car. I returned to my car to get my 800mm telephoto lens, snapped a few photos there and then ran like hell to the other side of the underpass. That is where I saw troopers Joe Kalil and Stephen Barnes and Somerville firefighters Jack Betkwith, LT Michael Anzalone and off-duty firefighter Michael Marino. I positioned myself on McGrath Highway above the rescue and pointed my 70-200 mm lens through the chain link fence. The troopers and the firefighters worked in unison to perfection. The only problem was, would my lens stay dry enough in the rain to capture the rescue? I borrowed the corner of a passerby’s dry shirt to use to clean my lens since my clothes were drenched. Lucky for me that the man didn’t think I was nuts when I asked him: “may I use your shirt to clean my lens?” Then, out the rescuers popped with one cold and wet Christine Broderick, as they guided her through the water that now contained mostly raw sewage.


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A distraught man climbed onto a 4th floor ledge of a local college frat house today. He laid down in a precarious position for almost two hours as Boston police negotiators, EMS, and members of Boston fire’s Technical Rescue crew talked to him, listened to him, and gave him blankets and water until finally climbing onto the ledge and rescuing him. The incident happened at the corner of Hereford and Marlborough streets.

*I chose to publish these on my blog to show the teamwork and overall caring/human approach that the rescuers exhibited.

Holiday time can feel desperate, for many. If you are feeling desperate please call  Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

**I have blurred the young man’s face to keep his anonymity**

November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel

November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel

November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel



November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel



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Chelsea police and fire department, along with Boston fire department, rescued a man from high above the Mystic River Saturday  August 9. A man allegedly assaulted his wife with a knife in Malden. Malden police gave an alert, in the form of an all points bulletin,  “be on the lookout” broadcast. A Chelsea police officer spotted his Lincoln Towne Car and gave chase. A brief pursuit ended on the upper deck of the Tobin Bridge when the man got out of his car and jumped over the railing. He was caught in the construction netting on the lower deck, approximately 50 feet below where he jumped from. He survived with a leg injury. The rescue took approximately 30 minutes. I was there, far away and under the bridge, with my 800mm lens and a 1.4x extender. Here are my photos.







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Marblehead Harbormaster Rescues Woman and Two Kids.

I happened upon this as I was in Swampscott yesterday afternoon. From twitter reports and what I witnessed, it appears that 2 boys, floating on an inflatable “donut”, were blown out to sea at Preston beach by the strong west wind, and that an aunt of one of the boy’s swam out to try and save them. All three were corralled by the Marblehead Harbormaster and then brought to shore by Marblehead firefighters. See my photos below.

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“Piddles” The Cat is Rescued From 3-Alarm Fire in Revere.

(09/23/10-Revere,MA) John Bottari hugs his cat “Piddles” after Revere fire chief Gene Doherty handed the cat to him during a 3-alarm fire Thursday afternoon. The fire started at 16 Dana St and spread to a dwelling on North Shore Rd. The cat survived with minor dehydration and some minor burns to the paws. Please my Herald photo gallery here and Herald story here.

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