Posts Tagged ‘hostage’

Photos of Tense East Boston Standoff.

A man wanted on several warrants, holding a shard of glass and a shovel, threatened to jump off  a third floor fire escape and held police at bay for nearly 6 hours. The dramatic sceme played out on East Eagle Street in East Boston yesterday. For the majority of this incident I stayed inside my car with a very large 800mm lens, not wanting him to see me and possibly further complicating the situation or worse. Here is the Herald story by Edward Mason and below are my photos.

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On This Date in My Photo History: July 22, 2008

(07/22/08-Boston,Mass)  After a Boston police officer spotted a woman screaming for help as she leaned out a car’s passenger side window, a high speed chase ensued on the southeast expressway. After nearly 8 miles, police boxed the car in between an innocent driver’s SUV and a guardrail. The driver then repeatedly rammed the car in front and several cruisers, wreaking havoc along the highway. The victim said the woman driving was her wife and that they got into an argument. Here, below top, guns drawn then an innocent driver whose car inadvertently blocked in the suspect’s car is protected by police. Below bottom is the dramatic sequence. Photographed while on my Herald shift.

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NH Bus/”bomb” Drama Ends: Photography in the Dark.

A very long standoff that purportedly involved hostages and explosives, ended last night. I arrived in Portsmouth at approximately 1pm and saw this to fruition. The grand finale photos, if you will, were the first photos that I can ever remember where I did not see the subject for the majority of time. For all you photography fanatics out there, my setting on this surrender photo was: “Film Speed” 3200asa, Shutter Speed 1/20th of a second at F5.6 aperture with a Canon 800mm 5.6 on a tripod. The light that is shining on the suspect is from police and street lights. A Boston Herald photo gallery is seen here.

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