Posts Tagged ‘emergency medical’

A distraught man climbed onto a 4th floor ledge of a local college frat house today. He laid down in a precarious position for almost two hours as Boston police negotiators, EMS, and members of Boston fire’s Technical Rescue crew talked to him, listened to him, and gave him blankets and water until finally climbing onto the ledge and rescuing him. The incident happened at the corner of Hereford and Marlborough streets.

*I chose to publish these on my blog to show the teamwork and overall caring/human approach that the rescuers exhibited.

Holiday time can feel desperate, for many. If you are feeling desperate please call  Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

**I have blurred the young man’s face to keep his anonymity**

November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel

November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel

November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel



November 23, 2016-Boston,MA. Boston Police, Fire, and EMS personnel work to make comfortable, and then to eventually rescue, this distraught man threatening to jump from a ledge at the MIT Frat house at Commonwealth Ave., and Hereford St., Wednesday afternoon. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel



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