Posts Tagged ‘craigslist killer’

I awoke at 5am and drove to Boston Municipal Court on the morning of April 21, 2009. I wanted to photograph Philip Markoff, the man dubbed the “craigslist killer.” This man was apprehended just 12 hours earlier, give or take an hour. My usual shift as a staff photographer at the Boston Herald begins at 6:30am, but on this day  I wanted to be first in line so I could secure the coveted “pool photographer” position for this sensational case. The pool photographer is traditionally the first media person who arrives at court, since the court can’t hold more than one still camera and one video (TV) camera. My photographs of Markoff’s arraignment were carried that day in newspapers, websites and magazines, and at least one book cover, around the world. Now they are being viewed again after his jailhouse suicide.  Here are two of my photos from that, and 3 instances of how the photos have been used this time around.

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