Posts Tagged ‘contrail’

Sunset jet, miles away, as seen from Winthrop.

This was snapped with an 800mm lens and a 2x extender, making it a whopping 1600mm. In comparison, normal sight is 50mm. I am guessing that this jet was over the Dedham area or even more west than that.

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Tonight’s Warm Sunset Over Cold Boston, Aviation Style.

I snapped this photo tonight from Bayswater St. in East Boston. I used a Canon 800mm lens with a 1.4x extender. This jet was flying from the southwest to the northeast when it came upon a dying contrail of another jet that passed this position previously. I have written in the past about my nervousness, or uneasiness, about photographing so close to Logan with such a large lens. I get these nice stares from the neighbors 🙁

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