Posts Tagged ‘chase’

Loyal dog found 1 mile from crash, reunited with injured driver.

Jim Squires and his dog Timber were exiting Route 1 South onto Chelsea’s Carter St. off ramp when a car, being chased by Saugus police and others, crashed into him. His pickup truck rolled over. He crawled from the wreck with only minor cuts but noticed his dog was gone, last seen scampering down the Carter St. ramp. Police officers at the wreck were seen looking over the elevated ramp for any signs of the dog. I was positioned on the ramp with my cameras also. One mile away and 55 minutes later a resident of the Prattville section of Chelsea called police to report a strange dog acting “scared.” I left the wreck and drove to Jones Ave. after hearing police scanner transmissions about the dog. I arrived to find crash victim Jim Squires carrying his dog to a waiting police car. Squires, a strapping off duty Hampton, NH firefighter/paramedic was still bleeding from his head as he held tight to the scared Golden Retriever. Back at the scene investigating officers were mopping up the area where 2 people, in the fleeing car, were arrested and a total of 3 people were injured. Traffic in the area was tied up for a couple of hours. Read more in todays Boston Herald.

Chelsea police start the search for Timber, a dog that ran away from a rolled over pickup truck.

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On This Date in My Photo History: July 22, 2008

(07/22/08-Boston,Mass)  After a Boston police officer spotted a woman screaming for help as she leaned out a car’s passenger side window, a high speed chase ensued on the southeast expressway. After nearly 8 miles, police boxed the car in between an innocent driver’s SUV and a guardrail. The driver then repeatedly rammed the car in front and several cruisers, wreaking havoc along the highway. The victim said the woman driving was her wife and that they got into an argument. Here, below top, guns drawn then an innocent driver whose car inadvertently blocked in the suspect’s car is protected by police. Below bottom is the dramatic sequence. Photographed while on my Herald shift.

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