I awoke Sunday morning to the realization that the thermometer was actually reading -9 degrees, BELOW ZERO. I knew this could mean sea smoke, a phenomenon that occurs to this extent, maybe once or twice a year. By the time I bundled up to head out to photograph this, the temperature was now -7 degrees, below zero. I went to Winthrop shortly before sunrise. Below is what I saw.
Posts Tagged ‘beautiful’
Frigid Boston morning leads to sea smoke. Very picturesque. Very cold!
by markadmin Posted: Sunday, 2/14/2016Early morning lightning, as seen from a Boston-bound airliner, near Lake Michigan.
by markadmin Posted: Monday, 9/9/2013I was en route from San Francisco to Boston, just about 12 hours ago, when lightning illuminated the skies near Lake Michigan, as I was over Chicago. It was a beautiful scene as the backlit clouds exploded with light, as stars illuminated above. Here are my photos below. The photos were made with a Leica M9 and a 35mm 1.4 lens. The settings were 6 seconds, handheld, at F1.4 at 1250asa.
Tonight had it all. A rainbow, over Winthrop, some lightning, some thunderstorm cloud tops that were illuminated by the setting sun. Very cool! Here are some photos I snapped from Winthrop tonight.
I snapped this from our Somerville front porch during a late dinner. I don’t think I have ever seen such a unique sunset. It was beautiful as this JetBlue plane climbed over Somerville after departing Logan.