On This Date in My Photo History: April 11, 2005 and 2003

(04/11/2005 -Boston, MA) Senator Kennedy helps break ground on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway in the North End…LtoR Nancy Caruso (No End/Big Dig Liason), Matthew Amorello (MA Turnpike Authority Chairman), Kennedy and Senate President Robert Travaglini

(04/11/2003-Boston, MA) Fenway opening day rain out……Opening Day Ceremonies were the only festivities today. Here, service men and women from Hanscom Airforce base join the festivities. Both assignments shot for the Herald.

One Response to “On This Date in My Photo History: April 11, 2005 and 2003”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mark Garfinkel. Mark Garfinkel said: On This Date in My Photo History April 11, '05- Senator Kennedy breaks ground on Rose Kennedy Greenway http://www.pictureboston.com/?p=259 […]