On This Date in My Photo History: April 17, 2006. Cute Photo Alert!!!

(04/17/06-Cambridge,MA) A couple of White Geese and their Gosling cross railroad tracks near the BU Bridge. Photographed on assignment for the Boston Herald’s Charles River Project photo essay.

One Response to “On This Date in My Photo History: April 17, 2006. Cute Photo Alert!!!”

  1. Dear Mark,

    The Charles River White Geese now have a Facebook page (Charles River White Geese), and a blog (http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com). The website needs updating and I’ll be working on that pretty soon.

    I’d love to post some or all of your photos from the 2006 essay in all these places, if possible, copyright to you of course.

    Thank you for these wonderful photos. Have you been back to see the latest destruction? Views of nesting mother geese with the crane just behind them are worth documenting.

    Marilyn Wellons