The moon rose tonight at 8:53pm. This was photographed at 9:17pm as a departing jet from Logan took off from runway 15 (its back to Eastie and its front pointing toward Hull) I was in a parking garage in Medford’s Wellington Circle. The moon was very yellow and reddish. My camera was set at 2500 asa/iso, and my settings were 1/160th of a second at F8. I used an 800mm lens with a 1.4x extender, making the lens a whopping 1120mm. I used a Canon EOS 1D Mark 111. The photo at the bottom was a “just missed” a few minutes before the “hit.” The problems I encountered led to a soft photo, that is, not as sharp as one would hope. When the moon is so “young” in its infancy, there is a lot of moisture and earth pollution in between it and my lens. Also, the jet is moving very fast and I am only at 1/160th of a second due to the limitations of such a large lens. All in all I was happy to have watched this.
Tags: Boston, jet, Logan airportmoon jet, Mark Garfinkel, red, supermoon, yellow
The bottom moon photo looks like a splash is happening at the top. Intersting.
Great photos Mark!
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