Shortly before 8:00 a.m today, a 35-year old-woman was killed while driving to work after her windshield was struck by a 200-pound manhole cover that became airborne on Interstate 93 inside the Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. Tunnel. Full story here and in tomorrow’s Boston Herald.

02/12/2016-Boston, MA. A State Police investigator painted a circle around the manhole cover that came loose and flew into a car windshield, killing a woman during the Friday morning commute on Route 93 south. The cover came to a rest outside of the Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. Tunnel. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel

02/12/2016-Boston,MA. First responders at the scene.

02/12/2016-Boston,MA. Investigators are seen on Route 93 Southbound, inside the O’Neill Tunnel, near the spot where a manhole resided before coming loose and eventually flying into a car’s windshield killing a woman during Friday morning’s commute. ED NOTE. This is where the manhole resided prior to coming loose. THIS IS A REPLACEMENT manhole cover. The words on the replacement are Boston Drain, however the manhole cover that flew into the woman was NOT a Boston Drain cover. Staff photo by Mark Garfinkel
Tags: accident, airborne, Boston Herald, fatality, highway, incident, manhole cover, Mark Garfinkel