Archive for September, 2013

Fiery Sunrise in Winthrop,MA

A kayaker is framed by yesterday’s sunrise, as I saw it, from Winthrop Shore Dr. in Winthrop,MA


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This photo was snapped from my Winthrop home, out our 3rd floor window, at approximately 7:23pm-ish tonight. Thanks to the internet, one can find out what type of plane, destination, and airline, etc. This is an Atlas Air 747-400. It is going 560mph at 36,000 feet. It is going from JFK-Frankfurt, Germany.


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I was en route from San Francisco to Boston, just about 12 hours ago, when lightning illuminated the skies near Lake Michigan, as I was over Chicago. It was a beautiful scene as the backlit clouds exploded with light, as stars illuminated above. Here are my photos below. The photos were made with a Leica M9 and a 35mm 1.4 lens. The settings were 6 seconds, handheld, at F1.4 at 1250asa.





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